We did it!
Tom Bowtell raised £1,609 from 15 supporters
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Closed 09/12/2019
Iʼve raised £1,609 to support Long Wittenham's Bell Appeal
- Long Wittenham, Oxfordshire
- Funded on Monday, 9th December 2019
Don't have time to donate right now?
I have set this page up to help Julia Sargent raise the last £14,000 needed to secure the future of the bells being rung in St Mary's Church in Long Wittenham. The bells need major work to retune, turn and rehang them. This means being lowered, taken from the church to Whites Church Bellhangers in Appleton, worked on, repaired and retuned, then returned to the church and re-installed in the tower. You can also download a pdf form from Long Wittenham Bells Appeal on Facebook
Updates appear here
Tom Bowtell started crowdfunding
Leave a message of support
Oct 14, 2019
Well done, it seems to be going well!
Julian Philips
Oct 13, 2019
Happy to support this excellent restoration project!
Sep 18, 2019
We love hearing the Long Wittenham church bells and so are pleased to support this cause
Emma and Sean Newman
Sep 9, 2019
This is a great idea, giving lots of people the opportunity to donate to a great cause - thank you. Good luck everyone in generating the funding needed!
Sep 5, 2019
Sally Duff
Aug 31, 2019
Long Wittenham without the church bells would be very sad. Well done for setting up this page and thank goodness for Julia Sargent for taking on this huge task, not a small undertaking!
Richard & Jane May
Aug 26, 2019
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