We did it!
Keily Davison raised £8,347.77 from 284 supporters
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Closed 31/12/2019
Iʼve raised £8,347 to help fulfill Jays List of Happiness
- Isleham, UK
- Funded on Tuesday, 31st December 2019
Don't have time to donate right now?
Please see below for the original reason we set up this Just Giving page. We've now had the news that Jays cancer has moved into his bone marrow and his bones. There is now no trial that can help to cure him and all we can do is try and fill what time we have left with as much fun and laughter for him and as many precious memories as we can for us. To that end we took a snapshot of the total on the page and in the account when we announced this on Facebook all of that money will be going to charities and organisations that have helped and supported us along the way. Anything donated after this point will be used to help support Martin having time off when needed from work but also to help fulfill Jays List of Happiness. Thank you for all your donations and message of support.
Keily & Martin x
Jay is our 7 year old little superhero. On the 5th of January 2017 he was diagnosed with Metastatic Medulloblastoma consisting of several tumours in his brain and spine. After 9 gruelling months of intensive chemotherapy Jay was declared in clinical remission.
Sadly at his first check up scan in December we found out that the cancer had come back. On January 7th 2018 we travelled to Alder Hey to have the tumors removed, he then underwent 6 weeks of craniospinal radiotherapy and 8 months of maintenance chemo.
On the 23rd of January 2019 we got a call to say that a 6mm area had been highlighted with the contrast on his MRI taken earlier that week. They have exhausted all possible curative remedies through the NHS and our only hope now lies in clinical trials. We are meeting with our consultant over the next weeks to decide which trial would be best to help Jay finally kick this diseases butt once and for all.
At the moment we don't know exactly how much we need but we know from other families that have participated in trials it can run into tens or even hundreds of thousands so every penny counts.
Thank you for visiting our page if you'd like to get updates on how Jay is doing please follow us on facebook https://www.facebook.com/Jaysjourney2017/?ref=bookmarks
- 6 years ago
Keily Davison
6 years agoTeam Jays new logo!!!
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- 6 years ago
Keily Davison
6 years agoShare this update to help us raise more
- 6 years ago
Keily Davison
6 years agoThank you to everyone for your donations. You are all amazing! xx
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Keily Davison started crowdfunding
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Samantha Brown
Dec 9, 2019
Tracey and Alan
Oct 4, 2019
Our thoughts are with you.
Sep 20, 2019
Heartfelt wishes to you all
Sep 18, 2019
Sep 6, 2019
Aug 5, 2019
Aug 5, 2019
Hope you manage to get him all he wishes for x
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