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Samantha O,Driscoll raised £4,515.5 from 174 supporters
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Closed 19/01/2021
Iʼve raised £4,515 to Help to get Gary home
- Funded on Tuesday, 19th January 2021
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On the 29th August Gary had an accident in Marbella and suffered a severe head injury. He was transfered to another hospital in malaga and has been in a coma and on a ventilor ever since. The past three weeks have been an absolute rollercoaster, trying to find out the extent of his injuries and whether he will pull through. We are still uncertain but the hospital have now given some hope as in the last day he has been able to breath unaided and he is now stable without sedation. He has still not regained Consciousness and there is brain damage but the hospital can not say yet how extentive this will be. We can now consider the next steps which is hopefully bringing him home to the Uk and continuing his care. We want to do this as soon as the hospital confirm we are able to. please contribute if you can so we can get Gary back home so nanny pat can see her son. The only way to bring him home in his condition is by air ambulance and this can cost upwards of 30,000 and in the short time the family has to do its very difficult.
- 4 years ago
Samantha O,Driscoll
4 years agoThank you all so much for your support/kind words and donations. Gary is in a stable condition and the hospital are hoping to transfer him from intensive care in the next few days if he continues as he is. We have been able to video call a family member with Gary today and nanny pat was able to see and talk to Gary for the first time in four weeks. As you can imagine this was very difficult but him lifting his arm and opening his eyes at points when nan was talking to him were amazing. Once he is back home we hoping for more moments like that x
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Danny smith (smudger)
Oct 20, 2020
Oct 9, 2020
Wishing a Gary a speedy recovery and a quick return home x
Jason Donnelly
Oct 8, 2020
Thinking of you all at this sad time mate love Jason and Natelie Donnelly
Oct 7, 2020
Our thoughts are with gary x
Oct 7, 2020
Wishing Gary and the family all the best in getting him home to all his loved ones Frank & Rocco Ricciardi
Julie Moxom
Oct 6, 2020
Lots of wonderful funny memories with you Gary. Sending lots of love and healing thoughts . Get home safe soon Love Julie xxxxx
Rita Farrelly
Oct 6, 2020
Sending big hugs to you all 🥰get well soon Gary 💙
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