We did it!
Team Glen Moyer raised £385 from 19 supporters
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Closed 05/08/2020
Iʼve raised £385 to Repaint John O Groats Damaged Signpost
- Orkney
- Funded on Wednesday, 5th August 2020
Don't have time to donate right now?
"The world famous John O' Groats sign post was damaged by an irresponsible tourist after just having undergone a major refurbishment. I visited the site just last summer and with a passion for Scotland I want to help see the damage repaired. Following donated repairs the cost for repainting the sign is estimated at £300. All funds raised will go directly to the John O'Groats Development Trust and any additional funds raised will be used for other community projects." - Glen Moyer
- 5 years ago
Team Glen Moyer
5 years agoWe did it! £385 in 5 days! 128% funded! Please accept my heartfelt thanks for your support to help fund the repair/repainting of the John O’Groats signpost. This iconic landmark had only recently been refurbished at considerable cost when it was damaged by reckless visitors. Tourists are almost always welcomed for the money we bring and spend in a local community, but the attitudes that accompany some are not so welcome. I hoped to show the community that there are many of us who do appreciate their hospitality and the beauty of their home.
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- 5 years ago
Team Glen Moyer
5 years agoShare this update to help us raise more
- 5 years ago
Team Glen Moyer
5 years agoWe've done it!! (But don't stop!) Massive "thank you" to each donor! It took less than 48 hours for us to reach the target of £300. I cannot express how overwhelmed I am at your support. I started this campaign because I wanted to show that the majority of tourist are not like those who caused the senseless damage to this landmark and you've proven me correct. Thank You! I've seen your suggestions of other ways to protect the sign and will pass them on. Please continue to share as additional funds can only help. For now - THANK YOU! .
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Team Glen Moyer started crowdfunding
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Aug 4, 2020
Aug 2, 2020
Great idea, hope you get lots of support!
Aug 2, 2020
Aug 1, 2020
Aug 1, 2020
Well done for setting this up Glen
Jul 31, 2020
Steven Murray
Jul 31, 2020
Be nice to have a PTFE coating or similar on it so it can't be climbed and stickers won't stick..https://www.plasticcoatings.co.uk/plastic-coating-processes/ptfe-coating/
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Team Glen Moyer
The admin of this page has been taken over by Susanne Arbuckle on behalf of Glen Moyer who created this campaign. Glen resides in the USA and it is a requirement that the page owner is a resident of the UK so I am happy to take on this role and support his fundraising.