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Thomas White raised £41,740 from 712 supporters
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Closed 04/10/2021
Iʼve raised £41,740 to pay for our successful challenge the ban on public worship imposed illegally by the Scottish Government. Our churches are now open.
- Glasgow
- Funded on Monday, 4th October 2021
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We are now being asked to settle our legal bill but are still a good way short of the money we need, so this is a final appeal to see if we can bridge the gap:
GREAT NEWS: OUR COURT ACTION HAS FOUND THAT THE CLOSURE OF PLACES OF WORSHIP WAS UNLAWFUL "There can be no doubt that places of worship may not open for worship and in that sense it is jejune at best, misleading at worst, to state that places of worship remain open." Lord Braid's response to the Scottish Government's claim that places for worship had not been closed.
Please stand with me to restore freedom of worship in Scotland!
The Scottish Government's worship ban has been a disproportionate measure that has greatly disadvantaged my community. Please, support my challenge to the ban, in order to restore the access of everyone to the essential comfort and hope that Christ offers through the open door of the Church. The smallest contribution can make a huge difference.
With the legal support of Aidan O'Neill QC, David Welsh (Advocate) and Elaine Motion and her dedicated team at Balfour and Manson we successfully challenged the illegal closure of our places of worship.
At the Court of Session on 24th March 2021, LORD BRAID acknowledged the fact that the Scottish Government "had failed to recognise that manifestation of religious belief was a fundamental right and freedom, and had erred by treating it as if it were a non essential activity, when it was not."
Furthermore Lord Braid stated that the Scottish Government have " not demonstrated why it was necessary to ban private prayer, the reasons which were given for that recommendation being insufficient to withstand even the lowest degree of scrutiny" The court went on to further acknowledge that article 9 of the European Convention of Human Rights had been breached by the draconian measures of the Scottish Government and that they failed to "fully appreciated the importance of article 9 rights. They have admittedly paid lip service to article 9 by referring to it, but there is no evidence that they have accorded it the importance which such a fundamental right deserves."
The Judge then went on to emphasise some important truths stating "I have already commented on virtual “worship”. It can be seen only as an alternative to, not a substitute for, worship. While some people may derive some benefit from being able to observe on line services, it is undeniable that certain aspects of certain faiths simply cannot take place, at all, under the current legislative regime: in particular, communion; baptism; and confession, to name but three. It is impossible to measure the effect of those restrictions on those who hold religious beliefs. It goes beyond mere loss of companionship and an inability to attend a lunch club."
Lord Braid in closing stated "All I have decided is that the Regulations which are challenged in this petition went further than they were lawfully able to do..."
With thanks to my legal team, I have been granted a protected expenses order which limits personal liability to £5,000. The case was also presented that it was reasonable for the court fees (£6,000) to be dispensed.
It is important to be aware that this action is by Canon White as a private citizen and that no church funds or resources will be used to finance, support or facilitate this action.
The options open to Canon White as a private citizen are very different from those options open to the Bishops of Scotland as Pastors of the Church who are bound to make their decisions with consideration to the wider institution and have their own avenues for interacting with the Scottish Government.
This action is designed to compliment the already existing interaction that is taking place with Government and criticism of the Bishops of Scotland posted on this page are neither helpful nor in keeping with the spirit of this action.
4 years ago
Thomas White
4 years agoMy Dear Friends, As. Promised we sought the opinion of senior counsel. ADVICE RECEIVED: The measures to universally close churches regardless of our ability to offer safe places of worship did constitute a a breach of our rights. This after noon Lord Baird heard my petition to join existing legal action to end the closure of churches. The petition was successful before Lord Baird this afternoon, and we are due in Court of Session on 11th/12th of March. Pass on the site info, we need to dig a little deeper too. Keep the faith, Canon Tom
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Jeanette Findlay
Oct 1, 2021
Sep 29, 2021
Sep 27, 2021
James Simister
Sep 27, 2021
Thank you for taking action to defend our hard-won freedoms and fundamental rights from interfering, overreaching, overbearing and oppressive government. I regret that 'faith leaders' did so little.
Christopher Gilfedder
Sep 13, 2021
Sep 12, 2021
Sep 9, 2021
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