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DFR Society raised £2,121 from 57 supporters
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Closed 31/12/2020
Iʼve raised £2,121 to help the Dean Forest Railway survive emergency closure due to Covid-19
- Forest of Dean, Gloucestershire
- Funded on Thursday, 31st December 2020
Don't have time to donate right now?
Update 13/06/20: We have now raised over £40,000 across all channels! Thanks to all who have donated so far.
Following the onset of the Coronavirus outbreak in March 2020, the Dean Forest Railway has had little choice but to close temporarily until the end of April (and potentially longer). Help us to keep the DFR on its feet, and preserve 50 years of hard work!
On Monday 16th March 2020, the Dean Forest Railway announced the suspension of services until May, after just one weekend of the new running season. Following Governmental advice that the public should not undertake non-essential travel and to avoid social gatherings where possible, it was felt that there was no other alternative to protect the safety of both visitors and volunteers alike. Unfortunately, the daily overheads of a 4 and a quarter mile long heritage railway do not stop when trains do, and with this loss of income the Railway now faces a severe threat to its existence. This is made all the more disappointing when 2020 marks the 50th Anniversary of the inauguration of the original Dean Forest Railway Preservation Society. As such, the Dean Forest Railway Society is appealing to the public and our valued supporters for much-needed funds to help secure the existence of our Railway for future generations to enjoy.
Should the situation improve in the coming weeks, any funds not required for emergency use will be allocated to our new Future Fund, which will allow the DFR to start work on some exciting development plans due to be announced very soon.
If you would like to donate in an alternative way, please visit our website: https://www.dfrsociety.org.uk/dfrs-emergency-fund
Thank you for your support!
5 years ago
DFR Society
5 years agoAs of 13th June, we've raised over £40,000 towards our £50,000 goal! Huge thanks to everyone that has donated so far. Your support will help to ensure the DFR survives this testing situation, against a backdrop of minimal income and ongoing essential expenditure, so that you and future generations will be able to continue enjoying heritage travel in the beautiful Forest of Dean. Further donations are gratefully accepted - you can either donate here, or through our website at www.dfrsociety.org.uk/dfrs-emergency-fund Thank you!
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5 years ago
DFR Society
5 years agoWe are pleased and grateful to announce that we have passed the halfway stage of our Emergency Fund appeal! Thanks to your generous donations, the fund now stands at over £25,000. Your support is very much appreciated!
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5 years ago
DFR Society
5 years agoAs of 19th April, we have passed £20,000 of our £50,000 target! Many thanks to everyone who has donated so far for their generous support. Although this is a great achievement, it represents 41% of our target of £50,000 - so if you would also like to donate, any amount is gratefully received. For alternative methods of donation to JustGiving, please see our website: www.dfrsociety.org.uk/dfrs-emergency-fund
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DFR Society started crowdfunding
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Renate and Dietmar
Jul 27, 2020
In memory of Winston Fowler and lasting thoughts of our shared trip to the Dean Forest Railway
Jul 22, 2020
Jul 9, 2020
Jul 3, 2020
good luck
Martin Botting
Jun 26, 2020
Emma Patel
Jun 21, 2020
Happy Father's Day to Ian Pope!
Paul Lansdell
Jun 19, 2020
A small something to keep you afloat
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