We did it!
Michael Bright raised £2,065.01 from 96 supporters
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Closed 31/05/2023
Iʼve raised £2,065 to support DadSpace, by scaling Scafell Pike! Brotherly Support Between Fathers, from our lowest points, to the highest peak in England!
- Maidstone, Kent
- Funded on Wednesday, 31st May 2023
Don't have time to donate right now?
On Friday 19th May, 14 Dads from DadSpace will be scaling Scafell Pike to raise funds and general awareness of mens mental health. Reaching the top symbolises that we support fathers from their lowest points, to the highest peak of England.
Thank you to the following members for taking on this challenge! Simon Malone, Lloyd Chitty, Denver King, Andrew Haffenden, Matt Bowles, Andy Roots, Andy Byford, Mark Rees, Chris Piers, Jonny Marshall, Martin Strotton, Ben Coveney, Richard Tracy, Michael Bright.
Bringing the energy of Scafell Pike back to our fellow dads is the inspiration for this walk. Nothing is impossible if you persevere and have the determination to see life's challenges through. - Denver King Director of DadSpace CIC
No matter how hard things get, you don't need to escape to the middle of no-where to get away from your issues. DadSpace will do the hard part for you. By bring the spirit of the mountain back to dads, who need a safe space to speak and be heard. Without judgement.
DadSpace provides many types of events for our fathers, from quiet sit downs with guest speakers, to active gym sessions and bustling Walk & Talks. All of which provide opportunities for fathers of all ages to attend and share experiences of fatherhood. We also host family events where partners and children can join in.
Support has been growing every month since DadSpace started in November 2021. We hope to launch more DadSpace locations and events across Kent and Medway with the help of fundraisers like you!
Our main sessions will always be free for dads, we are also keen to provide affordable family events. This is why fundraising is needed. We are looking to build awareness of the project and provide members and volunteers with suitable talking points, locations and training to help run additional sessions throughout the southeast and beyond.
Donations of any amount are very welcome and we look forward to you following our projects growth throughout 2023!
We appreciate that not everyone is able to donate at this time, please consider sharing this project on social media, as it all helps to raise awareness of DadSpace and mental health.
Check out our brand new website for more information and our calendar of events for 2023! www.dadspace.co.uk.
- 2 years ago
Michael Bright
2 years agoWhat a whirlwind this week has been and we are proud to say that DadSpace have just reached our fundraising goal of £2,000! What an achievement! We have hiked, talked, raised awareness of mental health and received support and donations from so many generous people along the way. A true testament to the importance of mental well-being! Thank you from everyone on team DadSpace that hiked this weekend. We are truly overwhelmed with the support. Keep up with the latest news and events at www.DadSpace.co.uk
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- 2 years ago
Michael Bright
2 years ago4 weeks ago we thought it would be tough to reach £100 on our fundraiser. The week before we hiked we had reached £400 and hoped we would make it to at least £1,000... Today we are at 95% and only £100 from our ambitious goal of £2,000! Our next event is this Saturday, 27th May. Find all details of our events at www.dadspace.co.uk THANK YOU ALL!
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- 2 years ago
Michael Bright
2 years agoWe have reached 92% of our funding target and are only £158 away from getting to our total! Here is the final full length video from our weekends adventure! Breathtaking views and scenery. This hike was not in vein as we intend to use this experience to inspire others, maybe even challenge themselves and go beyond their comfort zone and talk about their issues and mental health! Dad’s, you don’t need to feel like you are lost in the mountains, we have done this hike for you, and we are bringing that spirit back to inspire and support you!
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Michael Bright started crowdfunding
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May 28, 2023
Well done Michael and all - great effort
Gary 💕
May 27, 2023
Keep up the good work walking & talking
Charlotte Charlesworth
May 26, 2023
Congratulations, amazing cause! Xx
May 26, 2023
Phil & Cath
May 25, 2023
Well done guys
May 25, 2023
Congratulations everyone, you did it x
Jonathan Pilcher
May 24, 2023
Well done, lads! An amazing effort.
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