We did it!
Bowness to Windermere Sculpture Trail raised £124 from 7 supporters
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Closed 30/06/2023
Iʼve raised £124 to reach our match funding target for the Bowness to Windermere Sculpture Trail
- Bowness-on-Windermere, Cumbria
- Funded on Friday, 30th June 2023
Don't have time to donate right now?
Windermere and Bowness Chamber of Trade are developing an arts and culture project commissioning 16 animal, reptilian and aquatic sculptures indigenous to the Lake District, from local artists. The pieces are to be made of materials which will allow minimal maintenance and be durable enough to weather the elements for at least 50 years. They are to be located at carefully pre-selected sites between Bowness and Windermere with the aim of improving connectivity and footfall between the two villages. The sculpture trail will be accompanied with a booklet available from the Tourist Information Centre in either Bowness or Windermere depending on the starting point and local venues along the route that are financially supporting the project. Each sculpture will have a wall or post mounted plaque with information about: the animal and its habitat; the artist and their work; an embossed badge to be ‘brass rubbed’ in the booklet as proof of finding the sculpture and an easy question about the animal sculpture for the younger children to answer.
Our goal is to raise £10,000 to meet our obligations of match funding as required by the main funders.
Will you help us achieve our goal?
For more information, email info@sculpturetrail.org.uk
- 6 years ago
Bowness to Windermere Sculpture Trail
6 years agoWe are still looking for 'match funding' in order to take this project forward for future generations.
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- 6 years ago
Bowness to Windermere Sculpture Trail
6 years agoWe have had our first two donations towards reaching our target of £10,000! Thank you very much to those concerned! Very much appreciated!
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Bowness to Windermere Sculpture Trail started crowdfunding
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Sonia Gentile-Mills
Feb 8, 2020
Paul Taylor
Jan 7, 2020
Great idea
A Williams
Jun 16, 2019
Rebecca Frain
Jun 13, 2019
Here is a little donation to get this going. I was there when this idea was borne and I know it’s going to be another great idea to link our beautiful towns together.
Mar 10, 2019
Adrian North
Mar 5, 2019
Pleased to help with this exciting project!
Barry Butler
Mar 5, 2019
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