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Bernie Campbell raised £8,725 from 521 supporters
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Closed 02/03/2017
Iʼve raised £8,725 to To fund a memorial to remember Connor Smith tragically taken 31st January 2017.
- Funded on Thursday, 2nd March 2017
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Today (31 st January 2017) we lost a young man just 16 years old so full of life and enthusiasm. Tragically taken from his family and friends whilst on his way to work. A career and future cut short that was full of hope and promise.
Connor was a talented footballer who played for Victoria Colts F.C. from the age of five years. He will be so missed by his team mates and all who knew him.
His family and friends are heartbroken with their sudden loss and will never forget his lovable and kindhearted nature. Such a warm happy boy who was loved by everyone.
in their grief his friends are united in raising funds for a fitting memorial to remember and celebrate his life.
- 8 years ago
Bernie Campbell
8 years agoJust like to thank everyone for the support for Connor,s memorial fund he had an amazing send off and that was due to every single person who donated to his fund thank you very much from all Connor,s family
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- 8 years ago
Bernie Campbell
8 years agohi all just to let every one know a quick update on the memorial fund for connor we have reached over £3000 up to now lets keep sharing and lets keep donating as I said the more we raise the better send off we can give connor thank you very much to those who have already donated to the fund
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- 8 years ago
Bernie Campbell
8 years agowith in 1 hour we are very close to the target but please lets smash that target in honour of connor thanks your all amazing people who stand by each other in times like this
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Bernie Campbell started crowdfunding
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Julie Barraclough
Feb 28, 2017
Heartbreaking tragedy.
Philip Hallett
Feb 23, 2017
Dominic Boyle
Feb 20, 2017
Devastated for Paul, Sharon, Shaun, Kyle and the rest of the family, so sad. Still see his cheeky smile as toddler, he grew up to be a much loved young man that did his Mum & Dad proud. Rip Connor x
Wayne Johns
Feb 14, 2017
Doing an amazing job mate, thinking of his family
Nicola Small
Feb 12, 2017
Sending lots of love and strength to all family. Rest in peace Connor xx
David Rodrigues
Feb 12, 2017
Your a legend MR Cambell
Heidi Morris
Feb 11, 2017
Sending our love to Sharon and family. His Beddie Drive teachers adored that glint in his eye and cheeky smile. He will forever be in our hearts. Rest In Peace beautiful angel, taken far too soon.
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