We did it!
Karrie Karolina Michalczyk raised £8,228.72 from 226 supporters
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Closed 30/09/2024
Iʼve raised £8,228 to Help fund chemotherapy drugs and treatments
- Leicestershire
- Funded on Monday, 30th September 2024
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Hello I'm Karrie
I'm asking you to help me stay alive...
I was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer in 2021. Shortly after my husband pass away with COVID .I'm a mum of two beautiful kids, my daughter is 12 and my son is 16 they are everything to me and as you might know I am everything they have. We have no family around so when I pass away my children will end up in foster care 😔and that's why I'm so desperate to stay alive for a little longer to make sure they are ok.
I had surgery to remove my primary tumor back in 2021 but this year cancer take a toll and it has spread to my liver and lungs
Had liver resection and 4 lungs surgery unfortunately my recent scan showed multiple lesions on both lungs and surgery is not an option for me.
I'm waiting for my team to come up with some plan which will be chemotherapy due to my mutations NRAS, I'm not eligible for immunotherapy or targeted therapy.
Im devastated but I'm fully aware there are drugs out there to help me fight this disease and give me more time with my children.
I would like to add drug called Avastin which is a great treatment for lungs mets but not available on NHS ( it's wildly available in Europe and US)
I have been off work for nearly 2 years,I have no financial support
Please help me stay alive.
With love K ❤️
- 7 months ago
Karrie Karolina Michalczyk
7 months agoShare this update to help us raise more
- 8 months ago
Karrie Karolina Michalczyk
8 months agoHello Dear It's a time to put a little update Unfortunately I haven't got any good news, first line of chemo failed and I've got progression of the disease. I've got more cancer nodules in my lungs, 14 in right lung and 8 in left one. Which basically means chemo is not working. I've started second line of chemo and we are looking for trials but , as always in my story , I've been excluded from trials because I've got blood clots in my lung. I can't express enough how grateful I am for all donations and warm messages, thank you all so much.
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- 1 year ago
Karrie Karolina Michalczyk
1 year agoUrgent request - do any of my friends have a senior contact in the Leicestershire and Rutland Integrated Care Board (ICB) please? I have an urgent cancer treatment matter and need to talk to someone at decision-making level. I am facing a terrible postcode lottery for access to a drug that some hospital trusts are able to offer for £250 a month (it’s an off label drug) whereas mine is quoting £5,000 a month via a private hospital. It’s beyond outrageous. Karolina x
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Karrie Karolina Michalczyk started crowdfunding
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Aug 26, 2024
Trzymaj się dziewczyno
Stuart Carter
Aug 3, 2024
Hope all goes well
Mark Boyland
Jul 18, 2024
Tim Nash
Jun 15, 2024
Keep going Karrie and good luck in reaching your target x
May 10, 2024
Clodagh Downing
Apr 26, 2024
Thinking of you Karrie xx
Apr 23, 2024
You’re doing great hon. X
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Karrie Karolina Michalczyk
Please help me prolong my life ❤️ " the only illusion in human nature is that we think we got time..."