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Ayesha Dickerson

Ayesha Dickerson is crowdfunding

raised of £9,000 target by 23 supporters

Weʼre raising £9,000 to produce a short film called "Flesh" that aims to raise awareness and reflect on events in Gaza happening currently.

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الترجمة العربية، انتقل إلى الأسفل

"Flesh'' is a dark drama questioning the human subconscious as well as dealing with complex themes such as cognitive dissonance around what is currently taking place in Gaza. The film is written by Eman Diab - a writer, producer and director based in the North West of England. We have a small crew working on the film which is currently in the pre-production stage. Although quite a lot of the crew onboard this project are working without the expectation of any remuneration, we have some vital costs which we unfortunately cannot avoid. It is for this reason we are requesting your generosity in helping us to get this film produced.


Harry, a young man, grapples with his conscience, leading him to ignore events of injustice happening around him. But, a chilling confrontation with David, a government official, compels him to confront his complicity in perpetuating them.

The film relies on captivating visuals and immersive sounds to convey the emotional depth of Harry's journey. "Flesh" invites audiences to reflect on the impact of individual actions in shaping the world we live in. Through its sensory experience, this short film aims to provoke thought and inspire viewers to break the cycle of indifference and cognitive dissonance.


HARRY - a man who believes he has no power and is afraid of those with authority. He belongs to the lower middle class and is burdened by feelings of guilt, fear, sadness, and darkness. He often hesitates and resorts to playing mind games to escape challenging situations.

DAVID - a man in power, is extremely rich, arrogant, vile, and physically imposing. His hands are soaked in blood, embodying cruelty and cunning. He poses a significant threat.

FILM MOOD - Unsettling, Tense, Frightening.

We are offering rewards for your donations:

- £100 & up - Early access link to the Film

- £500 & up - 2x Tickets to the Flesh screening with a chance to meet the cast & crew

- £1000 & up - your name in the credits

What Will This Kickstarter Pay For?

Funds raised through our campaign will go directly into covering cost for pre-production, production and post-production to complete the film. Funds will go towards: Location costs, Equipment, Film editing, Sound design, Music composition, Colour grading and Translation.

Our dedicated crew is deeply passionate about bringing this project to life, driven by its meaningful purpose. Securing funding would significantly contribute to producing the film and ensuring the successful completion of it.

Meet Our Team

Eman Diab - Writer/ Director

Eman Diab is a writer, producer, director, and visual artist based in the North West of England. Her work revolves around exploring human inner thoughts and emotions, often from conceptual and psychological perspectives, telling stories internationally through visual media. Drawing inspiration from her experiences living in different countries, Eman creates art that portrays a diverse array of cultures. Her artistry flows between mediums, at times capturing the movement of life through documentaries, short films, programmes, and online shows. At other times, she captures stories with stills and photographs.

Recent Projects:

. Flesh, Film - Writer/ Director

. Stuck Between, Feature Film - Co-Writer

. A Summer’s Life, Film - Associate Producer

. Architecture & Human, Programme - Writer

. The Waiting Room, Visual Artwork - Director/ Co-Producer

. Dating apps for Muslims: Swipe Right for Marriage, Documentary - Writer/ Researcher/ Interviewer

. The Oral History, Council Project - Artist Facilitator

. FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 - Film Producer


Eslam Hassona - Assistant Director

Eslam Hassona is a filmmaker born in Egypt, belongs to the heavens and lives through a journey of self-authentication. He uses film to express an outlandish strangeness of thoughts. Eslam has directed five short films and a feature documentary, which have travelled to various film festivals across Europe and Asia. His films bounce between drama and experimental, finding a way to express and fulfil what is assigned to their maker.

Suzanna Forsythe de Sousa - Producer

Suzanna has a rich background in event management and production coordination. Holding an MA in Filmmaking from the University of Sussex and a BA in Film & TV Production from the University of Bristol, Suzanna has honed her skills on a diverse range of projects, from TV commercials to impactful short films.

Her recent work includes serving as the Production Manager for Double Dice Films and as the Project Coordinator for Fisher Productions at Somerset House. Suzanna's proficient in creating detailed project documentation, managing budgets, and coordinating with teams ensuring that every project she undertakes is executed flawlessly.

Nathan Smith - Cinematographer

Nathan is a cinematographer and multi-talented artist based in the Wirral. Inspired by Gordon Willis, Greg Frasier and Sven Nykvist, Nathan has a keen interest in cinema history and how he can apply his influences to his work while making it his own. Being a keen collaborator, he loves to translate people’s visions to screen, using his technical knowledge and love for the visual language of cinema.

Nosayba Sulieman - Production designer

Nosayba is a versatile artist and production designer passionate about bringing visual stories to life. With a background in fine arts and a keen eye for detail, Nosayba excels in creating immersive environments for film. Her artistic journey has been marked by a dedication to traditional and contemporary techniques, allowing for a unique blend of creativity and practicality in every project. As a production designer, Nosayba is committed to crafting compelling visual narratives that enhance the storytelling experience, ensuring every frame is a work of art.

Ayesha Dickerson - Line Producer

Ayesha is a Digital Marketing Manager and Line Producer who brings a wealth of transferable skills to the film world. Her professional career spans more than 10 years and she has worked in Tech, Banking and Advertising for companies such as Mastercard, Dentsu and Lloyds Banking Group. She brings strong leadership, organisation and planning to the production.


‎هو فيلم قصير، دراما قاتمة، تدور حول أحداث غزة، يحكي عن اللاوعي البشري وتضارب أفعال الإنسان مع مشاعره الداخلية.

‎كتب الفيلم إيمان دياب - كاتبة ومنتجة ومخرجة تعمل في شمال غرب إنجلترا. لدينا فريق عمل جاد وعلى قدر من المهنية يعمل على إنتاج الفيلم. على الرغم من أن الكثير من أفراد الطاقم العاملين بالمشروع يعملون دون توقع أي مقابل مادي، إلا أن لدينا بعض التكاليف الحيوية التي لا يمكننا تجنبها للأسف، ولهذا السبب نطلب منكم التبرع للمساعدة في إنتاج هذا الفيلم بكرم وتجديد نية.

‎ملخص الفيلم: في ليلة طويلة يتصارع شاب مع ضميره الذي يحدثه بآلام الآخرين ولأن عقله لا يتحمل فيقرر تجاهل أحداث الظلم التي تحدث من حوله. لكن مقابلة مروعة مع مسؤول حكومي، تدفعه إلى مواجهة حادة مع نفسه حين يكتشف تواطئه بشكل ما في استمرار الأحداث.

‎يعتمد الفيلم على المشاهد البصرية والأصوات المكثفة لنقل العمق العاطفي لرحلة الشاب. ومن خلال تجربته الحسية يدعو فيلم "لحم" الجماهير إلى التأمل في تأثير الأفعال الفردية في تشكيل العالم الذي نعيش فيه.

‎شخصيات الفيلم: هاري - شاب ثلاثيني، يعتقد أنه لا يملك سُلطة ويخاف من أولئك الذين لديهم سُلطة. ينتمي إلى الطبقة المتوسطة، يثقل كاهله مشاعر الذنب والخوف والحزن. غالبًا ما يلجأ إلى تشتيت نفسه للهروب من المواقف الصعبة.

‎دايفيد - رجل قوي ، غني جدًا، شره، وضخم جسديًا. يتصرف بحرية مطلقة تتعدى على ممتلكات الآخرين. لا يحب الإزعاج ولا يتقبل أن يفسد عليه أحد وقته الهادىء مع نفسه.

الفيلم بدون حوار -لكن هناك أصوات تفاعلية- ليصل إلى أكبر قدر ممكن من الدول دون الحاجة إلى لغة معينة.

‏‎ستذهب الأموال التي يتم جمعها من خلال حملتنا مباشرة إلى تغطية تكاليف ما قبل الإنتاج والإنتاج وما بعد الإنتاج. مثل؛ تكاليف مواقع التصوير، معدات التصوير، مونتاج الفيلم، تصميم الصوت، تعديل الألوان والترجمة.

‏‎إن طاقمنا المتفاني متحمس جدًا لإحياء هذا المشروع بدافع إنساني ومعنوي وسيساهم تمويلكم بشكل كبير في إنتاج الفيلم وإكماله بنجاح.

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Ayesha Dickerson

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    24 days ago

    Ayesha Dickerson started crowdfunding

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    Page last updated on: 6/28/2024 12.21



    • Anonymous


      Jun 28, 2024

    • George


      Jun 28, 2024


    • Jubeda Khatun

      Jubeda Khatun

      Jun 20, 2024



    • Anonymous


      Jun 18, 2024


    • Auntie Vix

      Auntie Vix

      Jun 17, 2024

    • Anonymous


      Jun 11, 2024

      All the best


    • Yuan


      Jun 9, 2024

      All the best guy! Sorry that the Malaysia currency sucks and that’s all I could afford 😂

    Ayesha Dickerson

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    Ayesha Dickerson


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