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Friends and family of Adam raised £27,615.55 from 577 supporters
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Closed 30/09/2017
Iʼve raised £27,615 to help fund alternative therapy and rehab for our dear friend Adam Cuthbert who is fighting a rare form of tumour in his spinal cord
- London, United Kingdom
- Funded on Saturday, 30th September 2017
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This disease has already taken away Adam's ability to walk, if we don't find a successful treatment it could take a lot more. The tumour continues to grow and treatment options are running out.
Adam Cuthbert is the life and soul of the party, always first on the dance floor or on stage drowning everyone out with his out of tune singing or close to the bone speeches. Everybody's life is better with Adam in it.
In February 2016 he woke up with pain in his side and weakness in his legs. After rushing to hospital he was diagnosed with a tumour in his spinal cord.
He had his 1st spinal surgery in March 2016 and a significant chunk of the tumour was removed, doctors said it was a low grade tumour and shouldn’t cause any problems now they’d removed the bulk of it. Adam asked his childhood sweetheart Katie - Jo to marry him and they started living life to the full thinking the tumour was behind them.
However 7 months later the pain returned and he underwent his 2nd spinal surgery which was a great success and once again he walked away from a major operation. Just 3 weeks later the pain returned and Adam was once again rushed to hospital for emergency surgery to drain what doctors thought was a simple cyst on the tumour. This relatively simple procedure went wrong and complications during surgery meant Adam woke up with his right leg completely paralysed. He then spent two months in hospital having aggressive radiotherapy and chemotherapy to get the tumour under control. During this treatment Adam lost all mobility form the waist down - he hasn’t walked since the 30th December - but in true Cuthy style has attacked his rehab every day since coming out of intensive care.
As things were starting to look up and Adam’s daily rehab started to show signs of paying off, doctors told him that the latest scan showed that the gruelling radiotherapy and chemotherapy has only slowed the tumour down and not killed it off completely.
- 8 years ago
Friends and family of Adam
8 years agoWhat a fantastic night last night at The Gable in Moorgate for the pub quiz. We raised £1,410 so thank you to everybody who made the night so incredible. Special thanks has to go to the exceptional quizmaster that was Sunil Ryan, keeping everybody entertained for a few hours! You truly have a hidden talent there, thanks mate! Congratulations to the winning team 'No Furkin Fones' who without the use of their phones scored 100% and congrats to the winner of heads & tails, Ed Forsyth. I'm sure the rugby boys helped polish off that bar tab for you.
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- 8 years ago
Friends and family of Adam
8 years agoThe first of many fundraising evenings has now been organised. We would love you to join us for a pub quiz on 16th August at The Gable - Moorgate. The quiz will start at 7:30pm and entry is £5 per person with a maximum of 8 in a team. If you can get a team then fantastic, or let us know you want to be added to a team and we will find a team with spare places available. There is an event set up on Facebook, so please get in touch and we can add you to the group. There is a number limit so please be quick if you want a place. Lets get quizzical!!
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- 8 years ago
Friends and family of Adam
8 years agoTom Franklin is running the Swansea Half Marathon this Sunday to help raise money for Cuthy. Thank you to those of you who are donating on behalf of this and we wish Tom the best of luck. He is aiming for under 2 hours, I reckon he should just concentrate on finishing it!! Good luck Tom, great effort buddy.
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Friends and family of Adam started crowdfunding
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Sep 29, 2017
Sep 29, 2017
Joel Ashton
Sep 25, 2017
I don't know you...but I hope you get better.
Alana McVerry
Sep 6, 2017
Sep 4, 2017
Sep 1, 2017
Annabel Titmuss
Aug 30, 2017
Lovely to meet you both at Carnival the other day. Good luck with the fundraising and for your further treatment xxx
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