In June 2012 fate brought Hollywood and Harrison together..... In a moment of sheer madness and after a few glasses (bottles) of vino, we entered the Liverpool Half Marathon to raise funds for the wonderful charity that was supporting Louise’s mum, Sandra in her fight against lung cancer. Having completed the half marathon in a respectable time and whilst full of bravado, we foolishly thought it would be a great idea to continue our fundraising mission and enter the London Marathon. We were frequently told that the odds of getting a place were negligible…….. ?
Worryingly, we also found the statistics below:-
- 1 in 6 runners will have contact with the St John’s Ambulance crews during the race
- 1 in 800 runners will go to a hospital’s accident and emergency department
- 1 in 10,000 runners will be admitted to hospital
- 1 in 67,414 runners will die
We are no longer taking bets!!!!!!!!
Some of you will know that Sandra lost her fight in May 2013. She was so proud of our fundraising endeavours and so it is only right that we run this marathon in memory and in celebration of her. She would be laughing now, knowing that both of us have secured places and actually have to run 26.2 miles.
So, we come cap in hand, once again asking you to dig deep and support a remarkable charity that makes such a difference to the lives of all who suffer from or who are affected by cancer. We have huge challenges to face in terms of mileage but also our fundraising target which we have pledged to achieve in return for securing our places.
Please support us on our LONG journey ahead.
We will keep you posted on our painful progress!
Thank you.
Lou & Dani (aka - Chubbs1 & Chubbs2) xx