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We believe that no life should be half lived. 1 in 5 people in Scotland are struggling with a chest, heart or stroke condition. We won't live with that. Join us to support people to live life to the full. #NoLifeHalfLived
Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland Registered charity number SC018761
"Thinking of you all at this sad time. Sorry for your loss xx"
Eileen donated
£10.00 + £2.50 Gift Aid
"Fond and happy memories of my big brother, will stay with me, at this sad time. Taken far to early. Love always. Diane xxx"
Diane, Jeff & family donated
£20.00 + £5.00 Gift Aid
"Remembering all the fun times at Hobsland ,especially New Years parties "
Sheena Munro donated
£50.00 + £12.50 Gift Aid
"RIP Jim. Thinking of all of you, much love Janette & Dougie XXX"
Janette & Dougie donated
"Rest in peace Jimmy "
Tommy steel donated
£25.00 + £6.25 Gift Aid
"Will Miss You Forever Dad."
Andrew, Ruth and Callum donated
Sean Harley has raised $16,289.52 so far
Team NC500 for CHSS
Murray Smith has raised $10,497.77 so far
I'm Fundraising in memory of Christine Smith. for Murray Smith because Christine was a passionate volunteer for CH&S.
Christopher Mullen has raised $9,490.24 so far
I'm Ben Nevis for COPD for Christopher Mullen because To raise awareness for COPD
Sheena Courtney has raised $5,887.78 so far
I'm We are raising funds for Sheena Courtney because heart disease is breaking hearts.
Andrew Gonet has raised $5,300.17 so far
I'm Raising Money for in memory of Vishal Ballgobin for Andrew Gonet because this was a cause very close to his heart.
Stephen Taylor has raised $4,060.92 so far
I'm The idea is to raise as much money as possible for Stephen Taylor because this was a charity dear to him.