After Erin was born prematurely in 2011 we realised how important the work of charities like bliss are in supporting parents and providing information. The money raised in events like this are also used for research into neonatal care and in improving it. They have recently announces they are funding the improvement of family facilities at neonatal units -
"The grant will allow hospitals to purchase items such as lockers, comfortable chairs and breast pumps, as well as support the refurbishment of parent bedrooms, the creation of parent kitchens, and the opening of quiet rooms for sensitive discussions, which would often fall outside usual NHS budgets. The first round of small grants will be in May 2013, with further rounds open monthly, and the first round of large grants will be in June 2013 and then on a quarterly basis"
We are expecting another baby and there is a chance that this baby could also be born prematurely like Erin was. Knowing that the unit is always improving thanks to organisations like bliss is a comfort and we hope to raise money for them so they can continue do to so.