Sabrina's Meijer
Occupation: Blogger and Photographer
Having the audience that I built in the past few years with my blog is truly amazing, but also makes me realize that I can make a change, even though it might be a small change. By joining the Cash & Rocket 2014 Tour I will be able to share a story that we sometimes seem to forget, because we’re busy trying to find the right pair of jeans. I feel like it is important to shed some light on this and achieve something together that we
wouldn’t be able to do on our own.
Charlotte Groeneveld - Van Haren
Occupation: Blogger and Stylist, Mommy of two
With the reach I have through my blog I realise I can make a change. I can make people aware of things they might never have though about before. It doesn't have to be big, even the small things matter as long as we do them together. Hence my involvement in the Cash & Rocket 2014 Tour, which promises to be four days of inspiration and empowerment. Together we can make a change, and I can't wait for this to happen.