This year, we are really excited to present the incredible spectacles that are Beauty and the Beast and Sleeping Beauty!
As a charity, we want to make sure that everyone across our Borough has the opportunity to experience the magic, cheer and light-hearted fun that only the panto can bring!
However, sadly we know that many people face significant barriers to getting out and about and really enjoying themselves. For many, the festive season can be particularly challenging.
This is certainly true for young carers. Through our work with partners across Rochdale, we know that many young carers face daily challenges that few of us can even imagine, taking on responsibilities far beyond their years. For these incredible young people and their families, simple pleasures like attending the panto are very often out of reach.
However, with your help, we can change this. With your support, we will be able to provide free panto tickets for young carers and their families.
A donation of £70 will provide a young carer and their family with a ticket to the pantomime this year, providing much needed respite and joy. Any amount you are able to donate, however large or small, will make a real difference to young people in our community who selflessly support others every day.
Thank you so much for your support; together we can create an unforgettable experience for young carers and their families!