Like so many communities, people in the Dean Road area of Ferryhill have come to rely on local green spaces during the pandemic for relaxation and relief from stress. But theres one big problem - the nearest area of green space has been plagued by flytipping and people joyriding cars and motorbikes.
At Groundwork we want to help get this sorted out by preventing vehicle access and creating a new community garden that will bring nature into the town. The idea is to create a space where kids can play and adults can socialise and relax and get all the mental health benefits that being in nature can provide. There are plans for an orchard, a wildflower meadow and a natural play space. Its about bringing the community together after the pandemic, reducing the isolation that so many have felt - and it will be a great spot for events when restrictions allow.
Local residents who volunteer and help develop the garden will also get a boost to their CV from training opportunities. And as the project develops there will be a whole range of activities for families on the site to get people involved.
£2991 will fund about half of the project costs and were confident that we can double that through other sources if we meet this target!
Thank you so much for your support to help us reach our target to make life better and greener for people in the local area.