St Anne's PSA Book Bank is all about helping to fill up our school library and classrooms with fantastic books for our children to share with their teachers and each other. The library and classrooms are always in need of books, and all the money raised will go towards this vital resource.
This year, we are focussing on ensuring that our library is more reflective of our school community and of the world around us. To this end, we would like to buy books which are relevant to promoting diversity and inclusion. These include texts by diverse authors and inclusive of a diverse range of characters.
In particular, we wish to update our texts to include authentic characters from marginalised backgrounds and texts by authors and illustrators from marginalised backgrounds.
We also want to involve our Year 6 Reading Leaders in choosing some new books for the library; in this way, we aim to target more closely the children's interests and build their love of reading. The leaders will also share these books with other children through the Book Club.
Please help us reach our target of £250 by donating whatever you can afford to this VERY worthwhile cause and by sharing this with family or friends who might like to donate, and let's get St Anne's reading!