Solace Ministries has the mandate to provide comprehensive healthcare services to the population of about 50,000 in Rusororo in Rwanda. The construction of the hospital is to enable us provide good healthcare and also maternity care to the poor.
Solace Ministries is a non-profit, grassroots organization in Rwanda dedicated to meeting the needs of communities, especially widows and orphans. The organization was formed just after the 1994 genocide. Since 1995, Solace Ministries has improved the livelihoods of thousands of vulnerable widows and orphan survivors, investing in individuals and community development projects.
We have a holistic approach to meeting the needs of the widows and orphans by supporting them through healthcare, education (school sponsorship), psychological support (counselling) and improving the livelihoods (income generating programs) of vulnerable groups.
Due to a huge demand for healthcare and medical services by community members, Solace Ministries set up a healthcare program based at its headquarters in Kigali in 2004 to serve individuals with medical issues related to malnutrition, malaria, HIV/AIDS and other health needs of orphans and windows.
With growing demand and medical needs, there was a need to accommodate this demand. The construction of the current Solace Medical Clinic in Kabuga was completed in 2011 following donation and support from Drop Inn Ministries to fulfill the growing demand.
We are now in the process of constructing a 40-bed Solace Medical Clinic and Maternity Unit approved by the Rwanda Ministry of Health at the same site in Kabuga. It is located in Rusororo Sector, just outside of the capital, Kigali. Once completed, this facility will serve a population of more than 50,000 people providing a growing range of medical services such as antenatal & postnatal care, normal & complicated deliveries, gynecological services, surgical services, general medical services, accident & emergency, pharmacy, radiology (imaging), laboratory services among others.
When completed, it will consist of 5 delivery rooms, 2 operating theaters, 6 consultation rooms for family practice, 2 consultation rooms for maternity care, 5 postnatal rooms (6 beds), 12 private beds (to help subsidize the other beds), Mens ward (6 beds), Children ward (8 beds) and Womens ward (8 beds). Total of 40 beds.
The current value of what has been spent so far towards the clinic project is RWF 395,503,291 ($422,675 USD). We are very thankful and appreciative of the generosity and support we have received so far from our dear partners and donors.
As the saying goes, "how do you eat an elephant, one bite at a time"!! We have broken down the project into stages and smaller parts as we seek donors and partners to assist us with each small part of the project. Below are details and costs of Stage One (1) of the project which needs to be done first as a priority before the other stages. For further breakdown of each of the works below and detailed Bill of Quantities (BOQ), you can email us at
Solace Medical Clinic Project Cost Summary; Stage 1 - Internal Works
Ground Floor - Clinic Building - 4,365,500 RWF ($4,482 USD)
First Floor - Clinic Building - 8,312,000 RWF ($8,533 USD)
Second Floor - Clinic Building - 5,321,600 RWF ($5,463 USD)
We look forward to you supporting and joining our campaign to raise $5million USD towards the Solace Medical Clinic Project. If we can get either 500,000 people to generously donate $10 USD each or 50,000 people to donate $100 USD each, we can raise the $5million USD needed!!
Join us in spreading the word to individuals, corporations and on Social Media using this link. You can also check out the charity website at or contact us at