We are a 100% volunteer run charity in our 22nd year of operation. We receive no public funding and all monies raised come from our Charity Shop at 69, Mardol, Shrewsbury, sponsorship, donations, legacies and fund raising events.
Last year our Charity Shop relocated to 69, Mardol, Shrewsbury SY1 1PZ and our volunteers, most of whom were amazing retired people, but some have now left due to the pandemic and hopefully other people will come and support us. Most of our fundraising events had to be been postponed or cancelled. W have recently been able to open the Shelter for Saturday visits this July and August. Adults and children love to visit the Shelter, see the cats and other animals, (guinea pigs, pygmy goats, shetland ponies, pigs, ducks, chickens and Hector the dog), enjoying 'Paws for a cuppa', our outdoor cafe with homemade cake and cream teas and our little on-site shop.' All of these activities raise funds for our Charity in normal times. Slowly now fundraising events are being organised.
Our vet and medication bills for 2020 were in excess of £39k, which averages £3.25k per month and this is paid for mainly from the proceeds of our shop and Shelter activities. For 2021 the vet and medication bills are still in the region of £38k and donations received towards this costs have been greatly appreciated.
Most of this expense is to look after our 'Villagers'. Our Village is where we take in cats over 10 years old whose owners have gone into care homes, died or no longer able to look after them. Many are on medication, and require weekly visits from the vet to check on their health as we want them to enjoy their retirement in comfort.
We understand that these are difficult times at present especially from the financial aspect for everyone but if you are able to donate even a small amount please #helpmakeadifference
We have all the other ongoing bills to pay at the Shelter and a donation would help so much.
Since setting up this campaign in March 2020 we have been very limited with any fundraising events or open days to boost funds. Our Charity shop in Roushill reopened in May 2021 and in September relocated to 69 Mardol. This shop is all on one floor and access easier for everyone, although we know some customers miss the quirkness of our old shop. We asked for help with the heating bills in Autumn/Winter for the Shelter as we needed to keep the Villagers warm in Moggies Mansion and the cottages as well as the other cats and kittens in the nursery, hospital and rehoming pens so our request for donations continues. Some of our Villagers passed away during the winter months but there are always new cats needing their places.
Thank you all for your support for our this ongoing Campaign and very much appreciated by all the Trustees.
The Trustees cannot thank you enough for your continued support during this time. You have been amazing.
Thank you for reading this.