The Sussex Beacon has continued to support people living with HIV throughout the COVID crisis, helping the most vulnerable in our community and being there when they needed us.
We took the decision at the beginning of lockdown to not only maintain but enhance our services, to ensure that we could support as many people as possible and to address the varying issues of isolation from friends and family, difficulty accessing medical services, increased levels of anxiety and poor mental health that people have faced during both lockdowns.
Unfortunately, this has come at a financial cost to the Beacon. Although we have been fortunate to secure emergency funding in the crisis to assist us this has not covered some of our additional costs throughout this period.
One example is the rising cost of PPE. We have not been able to access the free PPE that other charities have and our PPE costs have risen by over 700% this year. In addition, we have had to employ more bank staff nurses to cover those self-isolating and make adaptations to comply with social distancing rules.
Please consider making us one of your Christmas gifts this year. A small gift to us at The Beacon ensures we can continue helping people in need, when they most need it.
UPDATE 11/12/2020
We are delighted that Legends have kindly become our first supporter to Give a gift to the Beacon donating an amazing £500!! We are extremely grateful for this donation.
UPDATE 14/12/2020
Massive thank you to David Brown who has kindly donated £50 to the Sussex Beacon in lieu of Christmas Cards
UPDATE 18/12/2020
We are pleased to say our fabulous carol service at St Paul's Church Brighton raised £163 for The Beacon!. Thanks for those who came and viewed online
UPDATE 21/12/2020
What great news for a Monday morning, we are delighted to say that The Actually Gay Men's Chorus 'The Spirit Of Christmas show' has raised an incredible £1000 for The Beacon. We are over the moon for the continuous support!
UPDATE 23/12/2020
We are extremely grateful to our long term supporters The Sussex Freemasons for an amazing Christmas donation to The Beacon of £2000! This will make an enormous difference to the support we can give our patients during this hard time