Drakies is a well established supportive community! Friends of Drakies Primary School would be delighted if we could all come together once again to show our commitment in keeping one another safe! We have been working closely with not for profit charity Lucky2Bhere who will supply the defibrillator and provide full training. The fundraising target will cover the full cost of the defibrillator and the installation and it will go live very soon! We very much hope that no one has to use it but it certainly gives comfort knowing it is there.
Sudden cardiac arrest is a leading cause of premature death but some lives can be saved - the quicker a casualty is treated by defibrillation the greater chance of success. Every second counts!
Details of defibrillators are stored with the 999 control room. When a member of the public dials 999 the operator can direct the caller to the nearest defibrillator and issue the code required to unlock the cabinet. They are designed for use by the public.
If the whole community can spare a little it would go a long way in protecting our families, friends and neighbours.