On 18th June 2022 staff from Focus Group will climb 1,345 metres to the summit of Ben Nevis follow a mountain track. Ben Nevis is the tallest mountain in the United Kingdom, it is a long and arduous climb. Please support staff, family and friends of Focus Group to raise money for Focus Foundation.
Focus Foundation is the philanthropic arm of Focus Group and is a grant giving charity who support projects that meet one of our 3 core pillars:
* Socially or economically disadvantaged children and young people
* Mental Health initiatives
* Community projects local to one of Focus Group's regional offices
Our Aim:
To promote collective action, working in partnership with innovative and effective charities, creating greater social justice while maintaining independence and transparency in how we operate.
Our Purpose:
To connect communities to make a positive and lasting change to people's lives.
Our Promise:
Every penny raised will go directly to the beneficiary charities.