A huge rainbow structure, made up of hundreds of glass hearts will welcome those approaching the hospital site. Please be generous; this is a wonderful way for you to show your appreciation, and be part of this iconic monument. All funds raised over and above those needed for the monument will support the well-being of our colleagues at the Dudley Group.
When you have made your donation don't forget to include a message of thanks - we will be reproducing all of these on the Trust website.
The project is being led by Councillor Keiran Casey, who wanted to raise a permanent monument outside Russells Hall Hospital which would act as a lasting reminder to us all of the bravery and hard work of NHS, healthcare and all key workers during this crisis.
We all owe more than words can say to those right on the frontline in the fight against this virus. We think this monument would be a fantastic way to publicly recognise the work of all key workers across Dudley and would be a lasting reminder to all.