Numerous studies have shown that young peoples' mental health has suffered more than any other age group during successive lockdowns.
COVID-19 has added an extra layer of concern to an already deepening mental health crisis in our community.
Richmond has...
the 4th worst youth wellbeing scores in London
the 3rd highest rate of hospital admissions for self-harm and
a third of 16-19 year olds already have a mental health diagnosis.
Youth mental health is often an underfunded area, unfortunately this leads to long waiting lists and many not meeting the criteria to receive support.
Tackling this health inequality and enabling young people to receive the support they need is Richmond Borough Minds key strategic priority. 'Mental Health in an Unequal World' - is the theme of this years World Mental Health Day, to be held on October 10th.
We plan to build on our schools educational workshop programme for pupils and parents, as well as employ a team of support workers.
Dan, Gary, Kay and Lucy are our team of walkers training for the Marathon. We all work for Richmond Borough Mind and know first-hand the difference receiving the right support at the right time can make.
Your support is appreciated, if you can, please add Gift Aid. Gift Aid increases the value of your donation by 25% and won't cost you a penny extra.