Oliver is 7 years old, from Sunderland and is a triplet! His favourite colour is blue, Oliver loves colouring and as you can see from the pic above, he is just as cheeky as his brothers and sister.
On the 19th of Feb 2021 Oliver was diagnosed with stage 4 high risk Neuroblastoma, which is a rare and aggressive form of childhood Cancer. Oliver is currently undergoing frontline treatment at the Royal Victoria infirmary in Newcastle. He super brave and doing well but unfortunately Neuroblastoma has a high relapse rate meaning their is a high risk that Oliver's cancer will return again in the future.
We are aiming to raise £260,000 for a vaccine only available abroad which is designed to reduce the chances of Oliver's cancer returning.
Any support/ donation's would be so greatly appreciated!
If you would like to support in fundraising please email brooke@bradleyloweryfoundation.com
*Any un-used funds will go to helping other children*