Lennie is 8 years old and lives in Leeds. He has Cerebral Palsy as a result of an extremely premature birth. He also has Hydrocephalus and a couple of other diagnoses just to make life interesting!
Lennie has lots of challenges in life that he copes with on a daily basis. He isn't able to stand or walk independently and requires support with most tasks that typically most of us take for granted.
Luckily, Lennie attends a wonderful school called Paces Sheffield. This is a Conductive Education school where the focus is on independence, developing movement, function and personality. It's a non-maintained special school where the ethos is centred on children challenged daily on striving for their full potential. It is a very special place and we are thankful beyond measure that Lennie has the opportunity to attend.
The building which Lennie and his friends are currently in isn't fit for purpose, so Lennie wants to raise money towards their new fundraising campaign 'A New Home for Paces'. This will mean that they will have a new home for their school and centre which will be absolutely amazing for the children and adults who attend.
Lennie wants to help in Paces fundraising efforts in the way that he knows and loves best : learning songs to play on the piano
He has challenged himself to play up to 100 songs in the next month! We have set a suggested donation at £10 but there is no limit if you are feeling generous!
Please help us to help Paces, as the new school will make such a difference to children like Lennie!
Thank you so much,
Love Lennie!