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We train young unemployed people to be builders, and at the same time build vital schools and health clinics. With your support we are #BuildingBrighterFutures in Zambia.
Build It International Registered charity number 1115989
"Anonymous donation using a charity gift voucher. (Charity Voucher 21918748 for £40)."
Anonymous donated
£40.00 + £0.00 Gift Aid
"On behalf fund-raising efforts of Jordan Robertson-Reid"
$500.00 + $0.00 Gift Aid
"sorry for the delay, but happy to support a great cause"
£500.00 + £125.00 Gift Aid
"Great cause. Good luck."
"I've long wanted a charity that worked to improve education and/or infrastructure in places that needed the help rather than just more short term achievements. I hope this is the result."
£250.00 + £0.00 Gift Aid
"Just a small contribution from a former builder. What a worthwhile project to teach new skills for jobs. Good luck to you all. Rob Veal"
£10.00 + £0.00 Gift Aid
Jon oldham has raised $1,580.35 so far
Jon's Zambia Cycle Challenge 2023