So every year around the time of 'Movember' we feel that we should do something to help out but have never been able to find the right idea and charity, until a rather ingenious suggestion came by our way. In essence, we are going to dye our beards - and in the case of those with hair on our heads that too! - pink for a week.
We have chosen Breast Cancer Campaign as the charity to support but also want to raise awareness of the condition itself and would advise anyone to look into charities and groups that deal with this including Breast Cancer UK, Breast Cancer Care and campaigns such as the recent #Gethandson twitter campaign to raise awareness.
We will be posting videos and pictures in the run up to our target date of Monday 17th November when we will by dying our beards! If you'd like to get involved, raising money, dying your beard or contributing in other ways please get in touch with us directly at