Anyone who's known me for a while probably realises that frankly, I'm a bit lazy (ok more than a bit), so you're probably a bit shocked that not only am I attempting to run a marathon, but I'm going to do it in the heat and humidity of Rio in Brasil. Well I haven't gone completely mad, and not an excuse for a holiday (in case you're wondering all money goes to charity, I've paid for the flights, entry and accomodation out of my hard earned beer money), nope I'm doing it for charity.
In case I haven't mentioned, my mum has got Multiple Sclerosis, and I don't want to give you a sob story, but lets just say its not a nice disease (its a chronic attack of the central nervous system if you're wondering). It is little understood and affects everybody differently, but it aint pretty. Whilst my mum isn't doing that well, shes doing a lot better and suffering a lot less than she was, thanks to treatments she's had, which in turn are thanks to research carried out by clever people, funded by people like the MS society. In short to help them carry on the research I've decided to go running, something my mum can't do as she's now wheelchair bound.
Anyway enough of that, I would be grateful if you could donate any amount, lage or small (plus its not like I do this kind of thing every day, this is my first, and I'm sure last, marathon, normal laziness will no doubt resume soon!).
Thanks for looking, and if nothing else, wish me luck