In February 2012 our community was saddened to learn of the tragedy that struck our neighbour Rhian Manning and her family just after her youngest son George had turned 1.
George died suddenly with no sign of illness in the Royal Glamorgan Hospital, Llantrisant. and just days later Paul, her husband and the Daddy to her three children, took his own life traumatised by the loss of their son. The tragedy of experiencing the sudden death of a child was compounded by the situation Rhian and her husband found themselves in at the hospital, having nowhere to privately grieve and say goodbye to their son. The family were offered no support and were left to deal with the loss of both Paul and George alone.
2wish provides bereavement support for families who have suddenly and traumatically lost a child or young adult aged 25 years and under. When a family loses a child or young adult the effects are devastating for all who knew and loved them. It is important that support is available if and when required. It is important families know that they are not alone and that the feelings they are experiencing are often normal.
I'll be playing for the Barbarians ice hockey team at the UK Charity All-Stars event in July 2022, supporting and raising money for "2wish".
I will also be running the 2022 Swansea Half Marathon a few weeks before the All-Star weekend completely kitted out in my Barbarians ice hockey gear as a bit of extra preparation (or perspiration) so please donate, it means so much to many people no matter how little.
Wrighty x