This is Tom, my nephew. He's three now, boisterous, loud and smiley (and grabs the cat by its tail all the time). Looking at him now you wouldn't know that three years ago he was very seriously ill and probably wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for the care at GOSH.
Part of his brain hadn't developed properly, and he was having over 100 seizures a day, and the only way of stopping this was to permanently disconnect that part of the brain. Multiple brain surgeries for a 6 month old - an unbelievably fraught time.
It goes without saying that these operations saved Tom's life. GOSH is the only hospital in the UK able to do these operations because of the equipment and resources it has. Even so, it is limited to how many operations it can do because of funding.
50% of GOSH's funding comes from charitable donations. I'm raising money for GOSH so that other desperately sick children get the same chance for life-saving care that Tom received.
Thanks for your support.