Heres my story,
We found out we were pregnant in 2013 and we were over the moon. After suffering a loss in 2009 then having our miracle baby our rainbow in 2012, we didnt think our family was complete. Tried again for a girl. At about 17weeks gestation i noticed i was leaking so i got to see my gp who rushed me over to the hospital. I was checked by midwives to be told no your waters are still in tact so i believed them and went home.
At my 20 week scan we were asked do we want to know gender obviously we said yes. ITS A GIRL. i threw my arms in the air YES we have a girl our family is complete. That was broken by a but. The sonographer comes out with, "have you been loosing any fluids recently?' i said yea but ive been checked over and my waters are fine. For her to say,, theres no fluid around baby im so sorry. From then it was like a whirl wind we were escorted to a consultation room for the consultant to say the baby WILL die theres no hope u need to terminate if you dont and you develop an infection we can get a court order to make you. We decided we had to carry on i wasnt in us to terminate. So after countless appointment speculum exams (which i now know are not allowed) we made it to 33weeks at every scan our baby girl had no pockets of fluid. The labour was quick, she was born breech she let out a cry or thats what i though it was i had hope for a midwife to say no thats her first and last breath. She was rushed to NICU where it was touch and go. After 8 hours our baby didnt have a name we had to name her so we both said shes called brooke. Then after hearing her name she was too tired she fought for 8 hours until she passed.
So please help families going through pprom and please help the hospital to help more families take their babies home. Please in memory our baby girl Brooke
Thank you