Our plan is to embark on a two man 24 hour gaming marathon, where we will play our way through LEGO videogame titles. All 24 hours of our marathon will be streamed live on www.twitch.tv/gamebullring so come laugh at us and support us too! Gabe and I are coming together as part of GAME Blast 15 to support and raise awareness of SpecialEffect. Here's a little info if you don't know who these guys are already,
SpecialEffect help people with disabilities to play video games. By using technology ranging from modified games controllers to eye-control, they’re finding a way for people to play to the very best of their abilities. But they’re not just doing it for fun. By levelling the playing field, they’re bringing families and friends together and having a massively positive impact on inclusion, confidence and rehabilitation. Find out more at www.specialeffect.org.uk
Our recommended donation is around £5, but it is no biggie if you can't front that, everything helps.
Dan, Gabe & Laura