Anyone who knows me will understand that the three areas I have ever wanted to work in are the performing arts, the ministry and education. For eight weeks this Christmas, Rhema Theatre are giving me the opportunity to do all three at once on a full time basis!
In the nine years that Rhema has been going, they have performed to over half a million children. This year Rhema have reached around 75,000 people from our shows in schools, churches, festivals and conferences as well as running workshops and holiday clubs.More and more they are seeking to back up the Curriculum. Teachers have said that there are certain parts of the Curriculum that they just don’t have time to teach. As part of Rhema Theatre I aim to fill these gaps, not just in Religious Education but also in Citizenship which encourages children to work together and builds their confidence and self-esteem as well as teaching techniques of making wise decisions. However, I will do this in correlation with, not compromising, my Christian values.
Find Rhema online at
In order to make my work with Rhema possible, I will need to raise £812. It is my hope that your love for education, Christ, the theatre or little ole' me (oh, sweet vanity!) will inspire you to either give a lump some or donate regularly through this page between now and the end of December.
£5 will buy me time to rehearse with a great group of actors and innovative, high-energy directors and writers.
£10 will buy my part in a performance, including travelling, setting up and taking down sets etc.
£20 will buy a whole day of working with Rhema - that's up to three performances!