We have nearly raised over £250,000.00 since 2014.
Thank you to everyone who has supported, Fundraised or donated to our cause to find a Cure for Parkinson’s and support people living with Parkinson's.
South London Younger Parkinson's Network(SLYPN) is a support network for people living with Young Onset Parkinson's Disease, and live with Parkinson's in London.
Here are some of our members, talking about SLYPN:
Pauline Yuill-On a bad day, I can experience tremors, slowness, difficulties walking, aches and pains, insomnia, dyskinesia and anxiety.
Sue Roberts-I heard about SLYPN through my consultant and it has helped me over time because I feel that I’m not alone…. I was introduced to Pauline when I first joined and the two of us are now good friends.
Phil Friend-Laughter is the best medicine and I’ve had my share over the years. SLYPN is the only group that nobody complains about their condition.
Maureen Wilsher I don't know what I would have done if SLYPN had not been there to throw me a lifeline.