Thank you for visiting my just giving page
in october 2013 I abseiled down the galleria and raised over £675 for MS society and hands down it was thoroughly the most rewarding and amazing thing I've ever done, so I had to abseil again!
Heres a bit about me..
my name is Roseanna, Rosie for short and I'm 20 years old
In June 2013 after years of waiting and numerous tests I was told the life changing news that I have multiple sclerosis. However I'm not going to let MS win, I'm going to fight so hard for a cure!
Multiple sclerosis is an auto-immune disease effecting the nerves in the brain and spinal cord ultimately affecting my muscle movement, balance and vision. This means that I'm constantly in pain or have some kind of bodily disfunction. At the moment there is no cure for multiple sclerosis but I've made a promise to myself to help as much as I can.
"so much of what happens is out of your control, but how you respond to it is in your control" - Eleanor Roosevelt
MS affects my everyday life, I'm not as active as I once was And it's scary to think that I may only get worse but right now I have to do all I can to help not only myself but everyone affected by this disease!
It's hard to be told you have something that is going to affect you for the rest of your life, unlike a healthy person I do feel at the moment I don't know how or what my life is going to be like in the next 10 years. So im living in the present and trying to do as much as I can to help!
As there is no cure for MS it vital that people raise money as this is the only way we will find a cure! This is how your money can help:
£50 runs our online forums for a day allowing people affected by MS to provide emotional support and information to each other
£100 funds 2 hours of vital research in MS whether this be into finding a cure for the condition or helping improve and develop treatments
£250 trains an MS Society Support Volunteer to provide help, advice and information to people in their area
£500 could pay for a young carer to go on a short break and have some well earned rest from their day to day caring duties
£1000 provides a scooter for a person with MS enabling them to retain their independence and mobility
I also think that many people are unaware of Multiple Sclerosis and the symptoms revolved around it so I would like to make people more aware of this horrible disease.
I would be so very grateful if people could donate and sponsor me as this means the whole world to me!
it is my ultimate goal in life to say 'I used to have multiple sclerosis' and by sponsoring me you can help me achieve that!
thank you so much xxxxx