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Those of you who know me, will already be aware of how crazy the past year has been. I first started experiencing symptoms almost exactly one year ago, but at the time put it down to the tiredness that comes with working nights and raising two young boys.
It wasn't until August 2013, when I began to have difficulties walking and climbing stairs that I sought help. I was initially diagnosed as having Guillain-Barre Syndrome, however my diagnosis was changed to Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy in November, following 2 further relapses.
My lowest point was probably in September & October last year when my condition was so bad I was unable to even get from sit to stand without the help of two people and could no longer wash or dress, or even go to the toilet by myself. It was at the same time that I also discovered I had miscarried, as I had been pregnant prior to becoming ill.
Fortunately I have had brilliant care throughout, and thanks to regular IVIG, and support from my friends and family, I am now getting back to a new kind of 'normality'.
I remember well though, how terrifying those early weeks were following my GBS diagnosis and later when I was told I had CIDP. The information and support me and my partner were able to access from GAIN made a scary time that little bit easier.
That's why I want to raise funds for GAIN by taking part in this year's Great Manchester Run.
At the time when I couldn't even wash or dress myself, the idea of walking a few steps alone seemed like a remarkable feat!...But now here I am, pledging to walk a full 10k! From talking to other CIDP sufferers, and GBS survivors, I know just how lucky I am to be as healthy and mobile as I am, even if it's not quite how I was before.
So this May 18th I will be celebrating being able to walk, and at the same time I want to raise as much money for GAIN and awareness of GBS, CIDP and other peripheral neuropathies, as I possibly can.
Please show your support by making a donation or leaving a message.