On Saturday the 22nd November in Dubai, I plan to defy heat, logic, the aging process, widespread industry scepticism, and the type of legs usually more associated with a Kentucky Fried Chicken Meal, to complete a 10K run in aid of leading cleft charity The Smile Train.
I believe in this charity as much as anything I have believed in during my all too well-advanced life. The New York Times said that 'dollar for deed' it is one of the world's most effective charities. They were right. I have seen with my own eyes in India and China how The Smile Train transforms the lives of children and their families. It restores not only smiles, but hope and dignity.
If you need further proof take a look at the picture alongside of young Anji, a delightful wee boy I met at Nizam's Institute of Medical Sciences in Hyderabad, India, where the cleft ward is funded by The Smile Train. In early August, Dr Mukunda Reddy, head of the Nizam's cleft team, operated on Anji's severe cleft lip. That lovely smile you see in the picture is now even more beautiful.
I am touched and inspired by the way the travel retail industry has embraced this cause. It's time to put my ailing (and no doubt wailing) body on (and hopefully over) the line, and add my contribution.
So please support this aging Antipodean anti-athlete as he tries to rekindle the fading flame of youth in the best possible cause.
Thank you.
Martin (Moodie san)