Lynne's page
on 12 November 2011
on 12 November 2011
We are raising funds for my treatment and others via Yes to Life Charity...
My friends are raising funds here, so that I can be treated by an array of Immunotherapy treatments, one of which is potential Dendrict Cancer Vaccine and other choices at Praxisgemeinschaft für Zelltherapie who provide ground-breaking treatments, for patients with cancer. The treatments are provided in Germany, and this is where I hope to go.
Did you know? That the Cancer Vaccine was pioneered by my NHS Professor, oncologist / immunologist here for many years and he ran successful trials? So, we wish to share my story in order to also raise awareness so EVERYONE can have this in the UK in the near future. In doing so be able to start UK NHS trials again. The DOH want to too, they said on BBC Newsnight, that they simply just don't have the money?
These treatments are non invasive and empower our own immune system to see the cancer again, just like healthy peoples immune system do. Once you have the vaccine, your own body gets rid of it...
Two NHS Oncologists and Clinical Immunologist agree that I would not do well on standard treatments and are supporting me. They have applied to NHS England for funding but after 1yr 1/4 months, the cancer has now spread to my Peritoneum Cavity and Ovary, and I have to pay for this myself now.
My Story:
Some 12 years ago, I developed a rare sensitivity to Mercury and Amalgam in my teeth, and due to the rare nature of my chemical sensitivity I found a lack of awareness in the medical profession in caring for my condition. This has meant that in last 12 yrs I have had to find Kinder, more Natural Options for myself. During this time I also developed Breast Cancer and I underwent a Mastectomy in 2010. InOctober 2011 a re-occurrence of the same cancer and malignant lump was found in my reconstructed breast, and now it has spread unfortunately into my lymphs and due to delays in the NHS procedures, a year later spread inside my gut. I recently was admitted as an emergency into hospital where they drained 4.6ltrs of fluid and another 3.5ltrs since. I now have no choice but to go for treatment now. I cannot wait and have to find the money Now.
This treatment, the dendrite cell vaccine was in trials with the NHS previously by my oncologist. On Newsnight in July 2013, the Dept of Health said that Immuno-therapy (vaccine ) is the future, it works and wish to find funding for this after an anonymous donation of £20 million was split and given to Cancer Research UK and University of Southampton. I have not been able to access this funding so far. I am caught in a paper chase. The money raise before now and in the future has and will be used wisely on this treatment and also complimentary medicine that has kept me well enough to be able to get to here. Appointments with specialists and associated costs for treatment for my cancer. Without treatment now, I have only months to live I am told. My NHS oncologist supports all I am doing to stay well whilst waiting for approval of this treatment that he is a pioneer of. I am committed to raise awareness of these non invasive treatments such , NHS trials begin again and this is available for everyone not just in Germany.
I hope that you will be able to support me by bidding for, and possibly buying the donated item that I am selling. All proceeds will go through my supporting charity – YestoLife, Registered Charity No. 1112812. I am wishing to share my journey so other people have more choices and that whatever I don't need and with gift aid added by UK government goes to other patients if donations are made to YestoLife. My friends donations, events and the Discover ME team have already raised over £3,000 via Gift Aid.
You can also donate directly to Lynne's treatments here:
So any donation large or small means an awful lot.. it means she has a future without cancer in her life. You can find out more, watch videos as she raises awareness of these new pioneering treatments that you can also have in Germany or Israel and trials have begun again in the UK since a £20 million anonymous donation was made to CRI and univ of sounthampton. SO this IS the future.. and you can help make this happen for Lynne and everyone here in the UK.
Also bring awareness ot your country. There many trials worldwide. Do share about them on our page.
Thank YOU so much for your love and support of Lynne
We wil try to keep you updated here but best is to support her on the facbook page and twitter.
OK, let's GO! Ripple,
Using the pay it forward concept we could raise this money in 12 days.
So how do you pay forward £1?
- Donate £1 now via the Just Giving website or Text donations:
- Send the message about Pay Forward a Pound to 3 friends now:
Hi my name is Lynne Hazelden. I’ve had an extraordinary life so far and need your help to carry on creating new dreams.
I’ve done everything from helping children to communicate and live happier lives, to working as an actress on TV & films like Star Wars. I have worked for the Hunger Project and recently created an online community where key global peace initiatives work together. You can find out more and add your voice at:
I have started a new website where people affected by Cancer can pool their knowledge. Together we can find a better, kinder way to conquer this terrible disease.
Did you know there are cures available already in ISRAEL, Germany privately and in trials in the USA? In the UK there are already complementary medicines available that can substantially reduce the side effects of current treatments?
How it works and Why I need this:
The cancer treatments I would like to undergo use personalised immune therapies with reduced toxicity. The personalised approaches aim to rehabilitate and/or regulate the patient’s immune system, or to introduce donor immune-system cells, to effectively fight disease. This would not only help treat my cancer but would help me to regain my health which was compromised ten years ago, when I was diagnosed by Guy’s Hospital as having had a devastating allergic reaction to mercury and amalgam.
You can find follow my journey and share links on and support me. Come and say hello and share this wonderful news...
Thank you so much for your support and Donation, BIG HUG x
NEWS: You can also now do regular shoping online, it costs you Nothing! .... and over 200 retailers donate! Register here:
Events and Auctions: March 24th & 25th 2011 : BRIGHTON: Mike Lindup (Level 42), Heather Cairncross, Mike Vincent (Magic - Penn & Teller) Auction items from Harry Potter, Indiana Jones, Willy Wonker Chocolate bar through to Ryder Cup Golf and Pro Golfing Goodies and signed Drivers! Will be on EBAY for you to bid on soon! Watch this space!. Thank YOU for supporting Lynne.
If you wish to give more.. check out "THE GOODIES Exchange for Donations" which also made via this Justgiving page.
Keep an eye on things on the website as you may love some exclusive opportunities coming! HERE:
People all over the world are giving "GOODIES" so that you can make a donate for them.
* Guitar lessons
* Exclusive signed copies of albums from International Singing Artist Heather Caincross & David Newton (ten times jazz pianist of the year) are going to be available soon!
* Meditation Mp3
* 6 Day D-Stress Course
* Children's "Treasure Hunt" Party Theme Voucherer and you can even submit a chapter for an Ebook being put together!
* PeaceJam the Nobel Laureates work with Youth have given two Goodies of Training Programmes for two people who might wish to impact their community..
Award-Winning PeaceJam Program Training & Curriculum: The PeaceJam Foundation connects young people with Nobel Peace Laureates and has curricular programs for youth ages 5-25 that explore the lives of 12 Nobel Peace Laureates and the ways they overcame problems in their communities. Youth study the personal experiences of these amazing world leaders and then engage in service-learning activities that address local needs.
PeaceJam programs can be used in an academic or non-academic setting – as an after-school club, community or faith-based group, integrated into core curriculum and electives, or used as a school-wide or district-wide program. PeaceJam programs combine 1) literacy, civics, and geography, 2) leadership development, 3) service-learning, 4) conflict resolution, and 5) character development. PeaceJam offers Online Trainings for its Ambassadors (for ages 14-25), Leaders (for ages 11-14), and Juniors (for ages 5-11) programs. This "goodie" will give you access to two of these trainings and the Curriculum. What a Deal! Now you can become part of this amazing organization that was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize 6 times! Click here to read more about the PeaceJam programs:
* Beautiful Photographs from Photograher in Singapore
* Star Wars Austographs ( There will be an excusive coming soon!)
People are being so wonderful
If you have any ideas, wish to put on a fundraising event or have an goodie or auction item this would be lovely. So please do let me know via and one of the team will be in contact!
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