Thank you so much for taking the time to visit my JustGiving page.
I'd like to tell you a little bit more about why raising money for Bowel Cancer UK has become so important to me. In December 2010 my grandfather was diagnosed with bowel cancer and he was quickly scheduled for surgery the week of Christmas. Luckily his cancer was caught early and his operation was successful; he has since had chemotherapy and is still doing well.
Since this has happened I found out that his mother died of bowel cancer when he was only 12, and that was probably because she didn't discuss her symptoms with anyone. I understand that bowel cancer is 90% successfully treatable if discovered at the early stages. This is why I feel that it is so important that people know what they should be looking out for and if they have symptoms address them immediately. My great grandmother was of a generation that didn't feel comfortable talking about such things, and sadly this is still true for many people today.
I have been so impressed with Bowel Cancer UK, they truly are doing such amazing work and I'd like to help support in anyway I can.
Thank you again for taking the time to visit my page, any donation would be so gratefully received.
For you Honin xx