2 weeks today and we'll have done it!!
I'm hoping you'll support me in my bid to run my first Marathon. This all started 5 weeks ago when I started training a new client (Clare) who had just discovered she'd won a place on the MS Society's Superstars Marathon team. At that point, Clare hadn't run more than a mile around the local park, hence why she hired me. It was whilst we were on a training run that the idea occured to us both to see if there were any reserve places, given I will have done most of the training with Clare and be more-or-less marathon-ready myself. Severals calls, emails and 6 days later, I got a place! So, I'd really appreciate any donation you can make to help me get to my target. I know people affected by MS, and it's a debillitating illness that has profoundly affected a member of Clare's immediate family, so we will be very motivated come 21st April! As many of you will know I wasn't able to run the Brighton Marathon this year, so this is unfinished business for me and will represent a huge challenge. Please donate what you can, and I will be thinking of you all on the day! Many thanks, Leanne (