In September this year, three intrepid adventurers, Deane 'Smudge' Smith, Spencer Hogg and Alastair Macartney, will trek, climb and hike through the snow, ice and rock formations up the Eiger in Switzerland. They will then don their BASE jumping equipment and leap thousands of feet from the famous 'mushroom' plateau, propelling themselves in to freefall, flying their bodies enabling them to literally track away from the cliff face and certain death. Assuming survival, they will then repeat this feat.
Weather permitting this will be preceeded by a number of warm-up practice jumps from a variety of different cliff faces in the local area. Training and preparation will be paramount particularly as, at the time of writing this, Spencer has not made a single BASE jump. However all 3 have substantial skydiving and parachuting experience and are undertaking this project in order to raise money for Help For Heroes- supporting our wounded.
It would be fantastic if you felt able to support this cause and donate whatever you can.
So please dig deep and donate now.