I'm running the London Marathon and trying to raise as much money as possible for 3 cancer charities. Why Cancer charities? Well, my wife, Susan, is currently part way through treatment for breast cancer, last year my Dad had treatment for non hodgkins lymphoma and when I was 10 my mum died from a brain tumour. Cancer has had a huge impact on my, and many others, lives and I'd like to help raise money for the charities that support others through such horrible times, and strive to find new treatments.
I'm not a natural runner, but took it up, a year before I was 40, as part of a fitness regime. I liked it and decided to challenge myself by entering the marathon, although I didn't expect to get in first time. Unfortunately, shortly after applying, Susan was diagnosed with breast cancer. A few months later I found out I had been awarded a place to run (for which I am very grateful, it's not easy getting in) and so the marathon has taken on a whole new meaning for me. No longer is it just a personal challenge, but it has now created a whole different focus as both a fund raiser and stress reliever.
I'm running for 3 charities:
- this page is for Cancer Research
- I am also running for Macmillan (
- and, also, for Breast Cancer Care (
Between them these charities cover the search for cures, the general care and support for all types of cancers and specific support for breast cancer patients. They all do a fantastic job - please support any (or all of) them where / if you can.
Thank you very much for your donation, it is really appreciated.