Well after getting the running bug two years ago and completing my first HM last year I decided that I needed to go big in 2014. Whilst a marathon was the obvious choice, the thought of being overtaken by someone dressed as a chicken put me off.
So I entered Race to the Stones, a 100KM race "following in the footsteps of Romans, vikings, farmers and traders along the iconic Ridgeway", from somewhere near Oxford to Avesbury circle (a less mainstream version of Stonehenge).
Running a 100K (2 and a half marathons) is kind of full on; not only am I having to run (a lot), but I am having to do things I had for years regarded as only for the weak - such as stretching, and eating healthily. No more Jaffa cakes and red meat for me; instead, a steady diet of seeds, salads, lentils, oats and other low GI foods. It's a whole lifestyle change - I changed how I run to a "barefoot" style to try and reduce risk of fact I'm even growing a bushy beard in case I'm struggling at the end and need help from a druid.
So given all this effort I'm going to, I would be extremely grateful for any sponsorship you can spare me. Thanks in advance, James
P.S Whilst sharing this with a colleague at a Christmas party, somehow she convinced herself it would be a good idea to be inspired - so please also visit Kate's page at the link below a kind of "sister page" I suppose; you are allowed to sponsor us both!