This year I am running the Two Castles in celebration of what I have- my two girls, Dolly and Betty. After Dolly was born I went through two miscarriages in twelve months. Johnny and I considered abandoning trying again as we couldn't face going through another loss, but I was lucky enough to work with two Professors whose research into miscarriage causes and prevention is well known internationally- Jan Brosens and Siobhan Quenby. Thanks to their work, hundreds of women have been able to successfully bring their babies into the world, and I am so pleased to add our latest addition, Betty, born on 11th March, to their long list of successes!
Their research is not funded through research councils, NHS or government funding. Miscarriage is not considered such a high priority and so these amazingly dedicated people rely on philanthropy to fund their trials. I'd like to raise some money to support the women who will seek their help in future, to say a small thank you to Jan and Siobhan for the difference they have made to our little family and to celebrate my two scrumptious daughters.
I hope you will support this brilliant cause; no matter how small the gift you make, it really will make a difference.
Jaine xxx