Those of you who know me know that I am not much of an athlete, 'built for comfort not speed' I often say. So why put myself through the agony (and it is agony) of training through the icey winter months, 3-4 runs per week including one stupidy long run each week? The simplest answer is because we are raising money to change the world; Justlife is the charity we started in 2008 which tries to change the world for individuals who are trapped in horrific housing situations, drug addiction, alcoholism, debt, domestic violence and all kinds of other social challenges. Truth is we don't have all the answers - today we saw a working girl return to the streets just 5 weeks after giving birth to a baby which was taken immediately into care. She had to 'go to work' because her creditors were coming for her and she was in fear of her life. That kind pain puts the marathon training right into perspective but if we raise a bit of cash to help these guys find better futures we'd be totally grateful. There's lots of information about what we do at Justlife on our website - please do take a look. . Thankyou!!