Since the devastating earthquake that took place in Nepal on Saturday 25th April, the 12 children and families Esland support through the 'My Small Help' charity are thankfully alive but struggling to survive with very poor living conditions resulting from the disaster.
Their Orphanage has been damages and is unsafe to live in so they been sleeping outside in a field. Food is also in short supply and there is virtually no access to medication needed. On top of this, the high demand for basic living items has pushed inflation up and made prices soar.
These children are in desperate need of our help.
To raise much needed funds for the children of 'my small help' the esland adventure team aim to climb the height of the worlds tallest mountains (on an indoor wall) with the ultimate goal being everest!
Height: 8843 metres (29,029 ft)
Total number of climbs needed: 376
Time limit: 13 hours
Date: 29th May Time: 09.00 - 22.00
Location: Awesome walls, Stockport, SK6 2BP
Please come along to show your support, donate and help raise funds.