Some of my favourite memories as a kid - Enjoying mint choc chip on the beach. A pint of prawns at the Ha' Penny Pier. White bread...with real butter. Crunch Nut Cornflakes with whole milk. An extra slice of beef and a Yorkshire pudding with my Sunday dinner (but don't tell anyone else ;-)).
Unfortunately the person responsible for creating those memories may or may not remember those soon. People who are very close to me are having a really tough time because of a horrible hidden disease. Its not nice for the person suffering but its arguably much worse for those left to pick up the pieces. Anything i do now is too late now for those close to me. However if i can do just a little something that helps future generations not have to go through, what I have realised over the past few months, so many people are going through then lets give it a go. I've joined a wonderful group of like minded friends who are doing some simply unbelievable things and each of us is trying to raise £600.
I'm running my first ever marathon on October 8th. I like running but I'm trying not to think too hard about it because its going to be a helluva challenge, particularly as I'm quite a lazy person by nature! I've never done more that 13 miles before! Continuing the food inspired theme I may have bitten off more than i can chew. But the challenge ahead for others is a much longer endurance event so all things in perspective!
It would be really nice if you would support me somehow. No pressure though - I'm just looking forward to seeing where this little adventure may take me :-)! xx